Came to Netherlands recently ?

Below what you need to keep a track

Resident Permit Card

Many expats who want to live and work in the Netherlands (for more than 90 days) need to apply for a residence permit. The type of application you should submit depends on your nationality and on your reason for moving to the Netherlands, such as family, studies, work or other purposes.

BSN (BurgerServiceNumber)

The citizen service number (BSN) is your personal number for contact with the government. For example for healthcare or taxes. You will receive a BSN when you register in the Personal Records Database (BRP)

Home Search for Registration and Living

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts.Use famous sites like or Pararius or Holland2stay

Gemmente / Major Muncipalities

List and Contacts for Gemmente

Gemeente Amsterdam

Gemeentehuis Amsterdam (City Hall),
Amstel 1, 1011 PN Amsterdam
Tel. 14 020 or +31 20 624 1111 (if calling from abroad or via Skype )
See City of Amsterdam's page on registration
See Gemeente Amsterdam's other district offices

Gemeente Den Haag

Spui 70, 2511 BT The Hague
Tel. 14 070 or 070 353 30 00 (8.30am-5pm Mon-Fri)
See The Hague International Centre's page
See addresses for other city district offices in The Hague

Gemeente Eindhoven

Stadskantoor, Stadhuisplein 10, 5611 EM Eindhoven
Tel. 14 040 or 040 238 60 00
See Eindhoven’s Gemeente

Emergency and Must Have Contacts

All you need at One Place

Lets Learn some Important Phrase

Stop! – Stop! [Stop]
I am hurt – Ik ben gewond [ick ben khe-wond]
Watch out! – Pas op! [pass op!] / Let op! [let op!]
Police! – Politie![po-lee-tsee]
I’m lost – Ik ben verdwaald [ick ben verdwaald]
Call 112 – Bel 112 [bell ayn-ayn-tway]

Emergency Number : 112

(Fire / Smoke / Explosives / Serious Accident (Work or Car) /Attempt of theft or damage a vehicle or property / you or people nearby you are trapped / injured / unconscious / bleeding / suffocating or you witnessed an attempted suicide) The pan-European emergency number is 112 or 114 (for hearing assistance)

Animals Help

Federatie Dierenambulances Nederland (FDN): animal ambulances for wild or domestic animals; call 034 352 1751
Animal ambulance (Dierenambulance): 0900 0245
Dutch Society for the Protection of Animals national hotline at 144

LGBT Community

Gay and Lesbian Switchboard: 020 623 6565 (national)
COC Netherlands: Advocate of Gay rights 020 626 3087


Fraudehelpdesk: the Dutch national anti-fraud hotline.
Call them at 088 786 73 72.


Anti-discrimination service: 0900 2 354 354
Online discrimination: 088 554 32 22

MIND Korrelatie: offers anonymous, professional assistance.

Call 0900 1450 or e-mail
Suicide prevention Netherlands: 0900 0113

Bank Account

Expats setting up their new life in the Netherlands will need to open a Dutch bank account to receive their salaries, renting , or to just take a trip down to the supermarket where they can "pin" for groceries.You should also take into account that most banks charge a yearly fee for having an account with them.


DigiD (short for Digital Identification) is a form of online ID that allows you to access many services and government websites in the Netherlands.

Travel & Work

The OV-chipkaart is the payment method for public transport in the Netherlands.You load credit onto the card in Euro or add a travel product, such as a single journey, a monthly pass for commuting or a season ticket.

Dutch Municipalities (Gemeente)

A municipality, town hall or city council is known in Dutch as a gemeente, and you will hear this word often in all kinds of administration, from registering at your home address and paying taxes, to registering a marriage.As of January 1, 2023, there are 342 gemeenten or municipalities in the Netherlands.

Gemeente Utrecht

Expat Center Utrecht, Stadsplateau 1, 3521 AZ Utrecht
Tel. 030 286 00 00
See Gemeente Utrecht’s Home Page
International Page for Gemmente Utrecht

Gemeente Rotterdam

Stadhuis, Coolsingel 40, 3011 AD Rotterdam
Tel. 14 010 or 010 267 16 25
See Gemeente Rotterdam’s English page
See addresses for other city district offices in Rotterdam

Gemeente Nijmegen

Korte Nieuwstraat 6, 6511PP Nijmegen
Tel. 14 024 (8.30am-5pm Mon-Fri)
See Nijmegen’s registration from abroad page (in Dutch)

Gemeente Almere

Stadhuisplein 1,1315 HR Almere
Tel. +31 36 539 99 11 (08.30 to 17.00 Mon-Fri)
English Page Almere Gemmente


It is an urgent, unexpected, and usually dangerous situation that poses an immediate risk to health, life, property, or environment and requires immediate action. 112 - EU emergency number


Accident: Ongeluk
Emergency: Noodgeval
Calling the police: Bel de politie
Call the fire brigade: Bel de brandweer
Call an ambulance: Bel een ambulance
Get/call a doctor: Haal/bel een dokter

Family and Child Related

Domestic violence or abuse Veiligthuis national domestic violence, child abuse, and elderly abuse hotline: 0800 2000 (available 24/7)
Victim Support Netherlands: 0900 0101
Blijf Groep domestic violence shelter group: 020 611 6022
Primary aid line: in the event of sexual violence, call 020 613 0245 for help.
Kindertelefoon: 0800 0432 (open 14:00–20:00)
Helpline for children and teenagers: 0800 0432

Lost and Found

Lost and found at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol: +31 20 333 0333
If you lost items on a train: call NS at 0900 321 2100

Coast / Beach

Coast guard (Kustwacht): 0900 0111

Sexual Voilence

Arosa: offers help to those who are victims of domestic or sexual violence.
Call 010 820 08 40 or visit

Gas Related

Gas Lead : National Number 0800 9009

MIND Korrelatie: offers anonymous, professional assistance.

Call 0900 1450 or e-mail
Suicide prevention Netherlands: 0900 0113


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